Jenn & Luigi
Jenn and Luigi are passionate and playful Acroyoga practitioners and teachers.
Since she was a child, Jenn has been in love with movement. She’s explored all types of activities such as dancing, climbing, yoga, and so on, before settling her heart on acro. After an early focus on Whips, Whip-pops and Icarian, she is now also embracing new challenges such as Standing Acro, Hand Balancing and Head Balancing. She loves traveling around the world teaching and meeting new amazing people and communities. She is passionate about all the amazing things humans can do with their bodies, whether it is in acro or in any form of expression, and about the work of trust and communication so intricately connected to acro. When she doesn’t teach, she organizes and attends intensive and advanced workshops, as well as retreats, festivals, conventions, and meetings. She is very excited about these teaching collaborations with Luigi.
Driven by his passion for practicing and sharing, Luigi is an instructor who comes from sunny Sicily, an island in the south part of Italy. He loves the unique way acroyoga makes people connect and support each other with an open minded attitude, work on personal strengh and bounderies, experiment “being in the present moment”.
Luigi is a Thai and Chinese massage (tuinà) therapist and thanks to his passion for ancient arts he also became a Taiji Chuan teacher with more than 10 years of experience and a Meditation teacher.
He is also a “Partner Acrobatics” and “Acro Love” certfied teacher.
In the practice with his partner Fra Flow, he loves to create fluid, elegant flows but also enjoys the energy, speed and tempo through whips, whip-pops, and Icarian games. His focus in training and teaching is on small details, breaking down complicated moves with ease to create progressions towards even more complex tricks. He believes that practicing acro yoga is a lucky opportunity to grow as human beings, to best express our own potential and to contribute to creating a community of people focused on sharing, supporting and enjoying life.
He is a co-founder of “AcroFusion Teacher Training”, an acro yoga program to become a certified teacher. The event they like most is the “Sicily Acro Convention”, a cool acrobatic convention they organize in the summer, bringing together many national and international teachers and participants in a marvellous Natural Reserve!
He strongly believes that creating a joyful atmosphere during the classes helps people bring out their inner sun (the warm, playful, enthusiastic part of them) and to be part of a healthy community where a beautiful laugh never fails!