We all want to be a base or flyer that everyone wants to play with!
And many of us want to learn more advanced skills and moves.
But often in acro it can get challenging and difficult. Maybe you are struggling to progress in your acro practice, and don't understand how it's possible to learn these more advanced moves!
Many beginner/intermediate acroyogis hit some roadblocks in their progress and learning, not knowing how to improve, breakthrough and progress!
This is the point where many people give up, or end up believing that acro just "isn't for them".
We know what it’s like, we’ve been through that ourselves and it can be frustrating, and slow to see any progress...
But we are here to tell you it doesn't have to be like that!
We know that it is possible for everyone to break through and progress in acro!
And that often there are the same common problems that limit people's growth and development.
If you want to consistently access those high-level tricks and skills, or even if you just want to find some solid consistency and learn acroyoga from the foundations up.
Then you will need two key things…
The first is the right mindset and attitude – You need to be motivated enough to regularly practice and train, and have a goal in mind that you want to achieve, so that when challenges occur you don't give up!
The second is a coach or mentor – You need someone who’s been where you are, who’s achieved what you want to achieve, and has taught and shown others how to do the same. Plus someone who genuinely cares about your progress and helping you achieve your goals.


We have been through the same struggles, frustrations and challenges as you!
We have practiced, learned, trained, taken classes and coaching, and figured out all of the key techniques and skills needed to breakthrough the beginner/intermediate barrier.
And we have taught and coached countless students how to do this in their own acro practice too.
We are not the most advanced acroyogis in the world (we aren't too shabby either), but we are dedicated and skilled coaches and teachers with a passion for sharing this practice and unlocking success for our students!

Certified AcroYoga Teacher
Caspian loves basing and is skilled in all types of L-base acro (washing machines, flows, icarians, hand to hands and therapeutics) and also in standing acrobatics.
He is also an experienced yoga teacher for Hatha, Vinyasa, Fly High, Thai Yoga Massage and Handstands.
Plus has a background and Black Belt in Karate and also in Fitness, Conditioning and Strength Training.

Certified AcroYoga Teacher
Laura loves all things acroyoga!
She is a skilled flyer in all types of L-base acro (washing machines, flows, icarians, and hand to hands) and also in standing acrobatics.
She is also an experienced yoga teacher for Vinyasa, Handstands, Fly High, and Yin.
She has a background and Brown Belts in both Judo and Aikido.

AcroYoga Teacher
Ksenia is a warm-hearted acroyoga teacher who is a skilled flyer in all types of L-base acro (washing machines, flows, icarians, pops and more).
She is also skilled in contact improvisational dance, and a passionate ecstatic dancer too!

START with a FREE 30min Intro Consultation with one of our coaches!
In this intro consultation, your coach will discuss your acro goals, and also your current struggles and challenges
Then they will propose options for your coaching plan, which may include:
Strength and conditioning exercises
Flexibility and mobility exercises
Handstand/Inversion drills and exercises
Acroyoga poses, transitions or washing machines and exercises
Warm up exercises, prehab and injury prevention and cool downs
There are then multiple options of how to proceed with the coaching plan: with either weekly online classes, video feedback coaching, or following a coaching plan with schedule check ins.
Lastly, when purchasing any coaching plan you will get consistent guaranteed direct communication access with your coach for any questions or advice relating to your training.
You want to improve at acroyoga
You want to improve your strength, flexibility and body control to make you a better acrobat
You’re willing to practice and train the exercises provided outside of the sessions
You’re interested in achieving long term goals
You want to build amazing relationships and improve your communication skills
You want to work with a coach that really cares about your goals and your development
You just want to do some advanced poses without first building up the skills properly
You aren’t willing to work and practice consistently
You don’t care about being a better communicator and partner to improve your acro
You only want instant results and to immediately achieve hard moves
You aren't willing to listen to a coach and follow their advice

How are the sessions arranged?Google meetings - you will receive a email confirmation and link when you book a session.
Do I need any equipment?Not necessary, all exercises can be done without specific equipment, if you have extra things like yoga straps, blocks and such we will potentially make use of them to enhance the exercises.
What if I don’t have an acroyoga partner?No problem just pick the “SOLO” plan, we give bespoke coaching and training to improve you as an acroyogi, so you can kick ass when you next do acro.
What if I want to cancel part way through a training plan?You of course can cancel at any time, we won’t force you to do the sessions, however you will not be eligible for a refund. Best to re-read this full page and make sure you are confident this coaching program is for you.
Do I need a good internet connection?Yes, this is one thing that is essential for the live sessions.
What if I don’t achieve my goals in 1 month?Most of the potential skills and acro goals that you may have will take more than 1 month to achieve in reality. Therefore you can continue a training plan with your coach for additional months so we can keep helping bring you towards your goal.
What if i’m unsatisfied with the coaching and results I received?This is the opposite of what we want you to feel. So as long as you have communicated any issues and concerns and dissatisfaction to your coach along the way, and even if, after we’ve made every effort to improve the service and results you’re receiving, you are still unhappy, then you can request a refund and we will provide it.