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Friends Are The Family You Choose

Writer's picture: Caspian BurrellCaspian Burrell

Here are some thoughts about Acroyoga and Christmas.

In this writing, I touch upon the idea of how family and friends have such a close link, and how with Acro yoga, most of the time we create a new family wherever we go.

Plus we cover the same related topics in our latest Christmas special youtube episode you can see below.

I'm not quite sure of the origin of this quote, but it's one that resonates with me a lot.

"Friends are the family you choose"

Since being in Bali and away from my real family in the UK for the past few years, I have really found a family of friends that I have chosen.

They are pretty much all from or linked to the Acroyoga community here in Bali, which is no massive surprise...

But what is more of a surprise is that these are genuine and deep friendships that I've formed.

I feel much more connected, valued and invested with these friends than most other, let's say, "surface-level" friends I met in previous areas of my life.

I fully believe this is due to the culture and nature of Acroyoga, as a practice, that has been the catalyst for these friendships.

We get thrown into trust, communication, mutual struggle and triumph from the instant we start practising together.

The biggest takeaway for me though is how many potential friends I have met and will continue to meet through Acroyoga.

I know I can go to any Acroyoga community in the world I haven't been to before and because we have this shared language of play, trust and communication.

There will be many potential friends I will meet and connect with through this practice.

So my question to you is do you feel like you have chosen your family of friends, or is it choosing you?

If it's the latter answer then I highly recommend getting involved in an Acroyoga community wherever you are in the world.

It might just totally transform your friend circle, and at the very least will introduce you to an incredible group of people.

There are other ways of building stronger friendships and finding people with similar values to you too.

But in my personal experience, Acroyoga is the best and easiest way. Because making friends in acro happens without even trying.

And I don't know about you, but having good friends around you is one of the most important things to help you enjoy and get the most out of life!

If you would like to come to check out our community here in Bali if you're here, or next time you visit.

Head on over to our Instagram page: @acrospirit

Where we give updates about the weekly schedule, classes and upcoming community events.


Acroyoga is just like Christmas because it's a time to spend with people that you love. Acroyoga is just like Christmas because it's a time to spend with people that you love.


Acro and Christmas the same


Oh my god! well, you got you got family, which is always the most important thing.

Speaker 1

So if the day Christmas and yoga, they joined together, it's like love.


Thanks to Aroyoga Ubud you put them together. And it's amazing!


I am not celebrating Christmas in my culture. So I'm Balinese and completely has a different culture. But what I love about Christmas and Acroyoga together is, first of all, they're connecting other people.

Because if you have a family in many different countries, for example, you're gonna come together in the same place. Same thing in Acro, you can meet different people from all over the world and you come into the same place.

Speaker 1

Today, it was a real journey. For me, it was really like, what I really love what they really do it because I like such kind of event.


It's all about fun and unity, and coming together and doing cool stuff, and being happy creating. I don't know, gathering.


People, you both have a kind of fun together with people that you care about.


You get to like, he's like touching and hugging. And you get to cool creative things. And I think like being with family is really fun when it's not just sitting around. And like Barbara Barbara, like you're making games, you're having fun, you're celebrating and Acro kind of like a big celebration.


The second one is connection. So you keep the connecting, connection with your friends that you just met in the Acro jam, or your connection with your parents, perhaps you don't see them for a full year and suddenly Christmas come and then. And then you meet together


A lot of love, a lot of connection between people, a lot of good energy, and in Acro, you find the family and Acro family. So we share a lot of things, a lot of trust between each other, and these really beautiful.


Because it's a time to spend with people that you love, your family is time for deep connection, for sharing the things that you love, for you know spending quality time together for creating safe space for Yeah, and actually, I think acro is better because it's your chosen family, not the one you inherited.


It's full of people that care about you.


Because you get to be with people you love. And Acro is all about being with people you care about and love because you make friends so easily in Acro


Then the last thing is a celebration. Acro it's about fun! celebrating and Christmas too, even though I don't celebrate it, I like it!


It's great to share with people that they care about you which is for me, it's the spirit of Christmas too.


Help my relationships by really teaching me to honour and respect other people's boundaries.

It's taught me to like, know my own boundaries and honour even my own boundaries to make myself feel safe.

And then always to make others feel safe so that we can always relate and play well together so that everybody feels more connected more safe, more harmonious.

Speaker 1

Because Acroyoga teach us how to trust and how to move together, and how to build something beautiful together like our Acro poses


Acroyoga makes me connect with people. Even though I am usually not very sociable.


Lot's of love, trust, a connection between people.


Probably helps because it gives me confidence that someone has my back in a sense, and it's a good feeling.

And it's not always granted. And when you work with somebody else and Acro you, you have to trust and you you're taught to trust and when you do trust them in some beautiful feeling when you see the feedback.


I mean, it's the ultimate trust exercise. A relationship is all about trust.


It's like it teaches adults how to play nicely together.


Relationship with Acro, it's more about how you can communicate with each other. Same time I honour my boundaries, and then actually bring up more interesting connection.

Speaker 1

So it's really like deep, deep connection when you feel your partner and you feel how he moves, how she moves. You can talk a little bit but it's something deep inside of you. It's not easy to understand by words. You just should feel it.


But yeah, lots of love and trust with a lot of connection.


It's beautiful! It's truly a human connection that sometimes is missing, even if should be always there I feel.

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