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Yoda's 5 Ultimate Acroyoga Tips

Today I want to share some very applicable words of wisdom from the original Yogi master and Star Wars legend...


The OG Yogi Guru

In case you didn't know I'm a bit of a sci-fi and fantasy nerd.

Love myself a bit of star wars, lord of the rings and such...

What I find interesting is that many of these fantasy characters are often incredibly inspirational, heroic and wise.

I definitely like to think some of their attitude and words of wisdom have rubbed off on me.

None more so than the loveable small green forcewielding legend that is yoda.

Today I'll share some of his best quotes and how they can hopefully help you in your acro practice.

1. Do or do not, there is no try

This first quote is a lesson in giving full commitment and effort.

By leaving no room for trying or hesitation you leave no room for doubt.

There is a great deal of mental power in removing any doubts in your mind before you even begin something.

I genuinely sometimes just outright say this quote to people in acro when they say that they will "give something a try"

2. You must unlearn what you have learned

This is an especially poignant one for acro...

It is very easy in acroyoga to build bad habits and bad practices.

Or not even necessarily "bad" habits so to speak, just habits.

But sometimes to learn something new, you need to be able to break those habits and unlearn what you have learned.

I see this often in others and myself in acro.

Sometimes the best way to go forwards is to take a step back first and simplify or correct that "bad" habit.

3. That is why you fail

Yoda says this directly after luke says "I don't believe it." about the use of the force.

This is a general lesson in believing something is possible.

My Dad would actually say something to this effect to me when I was a kid playing football or other sports.

It was something along the lines of "if you believe you will lose before you even start then you've already lost."

The reverse works just the same if you believe you will win or succeed.

I have to say on a personal level I think this is one of the most useful mindset's I've ever gained in life.

It makes me a constant optimist, and allows me to mentally show up and perform my best in anything challenging or difficult.

I definitely bring this mindset to acro regularly and highly encourage you to do the same.

The next time you're faced with a difficult or challenging skill just 100% believe you can and will do it, I promise you it will only help!

4. The greatest teacher failure is

Another beautifully relevant quote for acroyoga here.

I already talked about this one in a lot of detail in my other email "why failing is so much FUN".

Feel free to go check that one out if you want more detail on it.

To simply summarise we learn so much more from our failures than our successes.

Acro is a great practice for changing our relationships with failure fromm one of fear to one of embracing.

5. Pass on what you have learned

I think this is a lovely poignant one relating to acro to finish on.

In acro communities it's quite common to see this at jams and in general.

So maybe you're already doing this, but if not...

Knowledge, fun and joy is meant to be shared and passed on.

So please pass on this practice.

Share acro with others just like yoda would.

Share skills and technique.

Share laughter and fun.




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