If you want to be a better flyer, I am going to share 1 big tip with you that you can start using today!
It's a bit of a nuanced tip.
As in it's not a specific thing to do, but more of a way of approaching flying in general.
The tip is...
"To be tight but soft!"
Sorry, I know its not a simple straightforward tip.
But trust me, it's an important one and might be a game changer for you.
So I'll explain a bit more to help make sense of it.
Typically when you start out flying in acro you get told alot to "be more tight, squeeze, engage etc."
These are all very valid queues because most beginners struggle to engage and tighten their body enough at first as a flyer.
The interesting thing though is that to find harmony, grace and fluidity.
To really flow smoothyl when you fly...
You need to be able to be tight and soft at the same time.
You need to engage the necessary parts of you to maintain shape and balance.
But you also need to soften your body and relax areas that aren't necessary to allow your body more fluidity when moving.
The other benefit of this is you are able to fly for longer
Because you don't get so tired out from engaging everything all the time!
Maybe some of you reading know this already.
If so, great, but I encourage you anyway to be more mindful of it next time you play and see what difference it can make.
If this is new news for you, then BOOM!
This might just blow your mind the next time you fly.
Please try it out, and let me know what you experience and feel.
