At the past festivals we have been getting a similar question coming up...
What is your favourite acro thing to teach?
We've had this question from both festival organisers when discussing classes and what to offer.
But also from several students who've taken our workshops and we were chatting to.
It's a question that keeps coming up, so we thought we would share it here as maybe more people are interested to know the answer too!
Firstly, we’re passionate about sharing all the incredible benefits that Acroyoga brings.
So we actually enjoy teaching lots of different types of acroyoga classes and topics and different levels of students because all of it is interesting to us.
Acroyoga enriched our life in so many ways and to be able to pass this on to others is so rewarding.
We do this by connecting with people and communities on jams and events, teaching classes and workshop, connecting with people on social media and sharing our learnings/tips/stories etc via these emails.
But probably the most rewarding and valuable acro thing we teach is our 50hr Acroyoga Training!
And here's why...
When we started to create the training together we asked ourselves these types of questions:
What would we have found super helpful and valuable at the start of our Acroyoga journey?
How best can we serve people who want to feel more confidant with their practice and in communities?
How can we give people the best foundation so that they will be knowledgeable and skilled enough to safely and easily grow their practice by themselves afterwards
Brainstorming together about these questions led us to creating the Level 1 training as it is now.
It was covid time and Cas asked me to go into lockdown together (which was an amazing time when we were dating, more about that in our love story!).
During those weeks we mapped out all of the content, made the manual and wrote the teaching guide together.
We literally thought of everything that in our mind that an aspiring acroyogi should know.
We listed out all the foundational poses, summarized the key safety points, noted all the valuable non-physical aspects of this practice and made lists of other elements the we thought must be included.
For every pose we identified the key alignment, technique and safety cues and even did a photoshoot capturing every pose.
Because in the manual we wanted to have all this information for people to use.
Hours and hours we sat together behind the laptop writing everything out, adding more, changing it, reviewing every detail, formatting it, adding pictures and making it look the part too!
And ended up with a 100+ page manual!
I still remember the moment we received the printed sample….
Oooooo it felt like our first baby was born hahah! (No not yet just joking)
We're so happy with how it looks (yeah really you should see it!) but more importantly, we truly feel that this is such a valuable manual when combined with the training.
It has everything you want to know about Acroyoga when you’re starting or growing your practice.
We’ve already had several requests of people who want to buy it on it's own, but we decided not to sell it separately as it's really designed to compliment the training.
So maybe there's some personal bias because we created the content and manual haha, but we really feel it is the most rewarding thing that we teach in acro!
This week is packed with information and progressive acro practice but days fly by and it’s such a joy!
We get to spend a week really working in depth with a group of students, and we share as much knowledge and personalised tips/coaching as possible to help them excel.
To hear the feedback from the students and know how it enriched their lives and acro communities back home is amazing!
Students who bring back the manual to their community and use it as a resource and guide to master the poses is really satisfying.
Students who leave the training inspired and confident to now go jam or even start or lead jams in their own countries is super cool.
Several participants shared how the training positively impacted their self esteem and felt more capable and equipped to navigate topics like consent, boundaries and needs, safety and weight.
It’s a beautiful thing to witness people's personal growth and it’s so rewarding to be a part of that and contribute.
And of course; how massively they levelled up their acro practice!
It’s so cool how quickly you can unlock new skills when you know and embody the foundations right.
So yes, long story short, this is one of the most rewarding and valuable things we teach.
Okay I'll leave you with the quote we put on the first page of the manual: 'if you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.'
